Bharatiya Janata Party’s OBC Morcha has written to the Election Commission seeking a ban on screening of movies, shows and advertisements featuring Kannada actor Shivaraj Kumar until the conclusion of Lok Sabha elections. The complaint comes in the wake of Shivaraj Kumar's active involvement in the election campaign of his wife, Geeta Shivakumar, who is contesting from Shivamogga on a Congress ticket. Shivaraj Kumar participated in a campaign event for Geeta in Bhadravati taluk on March 20.
The complaint by BJP OBC Morcha President Raghu Kautilya said, “Shivaraj Kumar, a prominent figure in the state and currently engaged in a statewide election campaign for the Congress party, holds significant influence over the populace through cinematic work and public persona.”
“Given his significant influence and popularity, I earnestly request the Election Commission of India to take immediate action by issuing an order to cinema halls, TV channels, social media platforms, and local organizations, to refrain from displaying any films, advertisements, or billboards featuring Shivaraj Kumar until the conclusion of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections,” the complaint read.
During the Karnataka Assembly Elections in 2023, Shivaraj Kumar had campaigned for the Congress party alongside Chief Minister Siddaramaiah. Kannada actor Kiccha Sudeep had campaigned for former Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai in the state elections but refrained from extending support to the BJP, citing personal reasons over political affiliations.
JD(S) national spokesperson Tanveer Ahmed had also voiced concerns, suggesting that individuals affiliated with a particular political party should not be featured on screens or any audio-visual mediums.
In response to such concerns, the Election Commission had previously clarified its stance, stating that only actors contesting elections could be barred from commercial screenings or those campaigning on Doordarshan, which is funded by public money.