Karnataka Leader of the Opposition R Ashoka said, on Wednesday, March 20, that the BJP and the JD(S) workers will work and face the Lok Sabha election like "brothers". Talking on the 'confusions' about seat sharing between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Janata Dal-Secular (JD(S)), Ashoka said that the ticket for Kolar Parliamentary seat is yet to be finalised.
"Discussions are still being held if two or three seats should be given to the JD(S). The party's top leadership is in talks with former CM and JD(S) state president, HD Kumaraswamy. There is no crisis in the alliance. This matter will have a happy ending. There are a few confusions in the beginning," Ashoka stated.
Talking about the confusion on the Mandya Lok Sabha seat, Ashoka stated, sitting MP Sumalatha Ambareesh had met the top leaders on Tuesday.
"The tickets are issued on the basis of surveys done mainly on the chances of winning. The caste combination factors are also kept in mind. We were called to Delhi for a discussion on tickets. The meetings were held, and the names would be announced in two or three days."
He further said, "I am also confident that former minister KS Eshwarappa who had declared that he would contest as an independent candidate from Shivamogga, will also come to the 'right path' in a week. I don’t know about the discussion held between Eshwarappa and BS Yediyurappa. Eshwarappa is our senior party member."
Talking about the unhappiness of former CM DV Sadananda Gowda over the denial of a ticket from Bengaluru North, Ashoka said he, along with senior leader Ashwath Narayan, had met him.
"He was confident of getting a ticket from Bengaluru North. Two former chief ministers are being considered for the ticket. He was hopeful that the party would consider him. He still has a chance. We have to wait and see the decision of the central party leadership," he said.
He also said Prime Minister Narendra Modi's image, leadership and programmes, involving everyone would help the BJP.