Bengaluru experienced the coldest October morning in over a decade on Tuesday, October 25, on account of cyclone Sitrang. The city has been experiencing a cold spell for the past few days. Citizens suspected an early winter, but weather experts have denied it. The temperature dropped to 15.4 degrees celsius on Tuesday, with the decade’s previous lowest October temperature being 16.6 degrees celsius in 2018. Elsewhere in Karnataka, the temperature dropped as low as 12.6 degree celsius on Tuesday.
Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) Bengaluru scientist Prasad M said that the temperature dip is due to the effects of the cyclone. Sitrang was a low-pressure area that later converted into an intense cyclone. As it passed over the peninsular region, it pulled away the moisture, hence leaving a cloudless, clear sky. During night time, long wave radiations from earth do not get trapped in a cloudless sky. Hence, when the skies are clear, it causes radiating cooling, Prasad said. The cold weather is expected to last for a few days.
On Wednesday, October 26, the IMD website noted that Bengaluru city recorded a lowest temperature of 16.3 degrees celsius. Stations like Bidar and Badami recorded temperatures as low as 12.4 and 12.4 degrees celsius.
Scientists have clarified that the drop in temperature over the past few days does not indicate an early winter. According to them, winter will set in as usual in January. It will be preceded by the Northeast monsoons that are expected to last till December. Prasad said that winter is likely to last for only the two months of January and February this year.
Rain, accompanied by thunderstorms, is expected in the city in four to five days, according to Prasad. Bengaluru will come under the influence of the Northeast monsoon by next week. Moreover, further occurrence of any low pressure areas or similar cyclonic patterns over the Bay of Bengal are likely to cause rain.