In a tragic accident near Yedehalli on NH 4 at Bengaluru’s Nelamangala, an eight-month pregnant woman died after giving birth to a baby girl on the road, moments after being run over by a truck. The newborn also died minutes after the accident. The 30-year-old woman, Sinchana, was riding pillion on a scooter ridden by her husband, Manjunath, when a speeding truck hit their vehicle from behind, leading to the fatal incident.
The accident occurred on the morning of August 7, as the couple was returning to their village Thotanahalli after visiting a temple at Shivagange. Manjunath, who works as an engineer in a private firm in Bengaluru, suffered minor injuries in the accident. The accident occurred when a KSRTC bus ahead of them stopped suddenly to avoid an accident, forcing Manjunath to apply the brakes. This caused their scooter to be hit from behind by a truck carrying M-sand. The truck driver was allegedly speeding and lost control of the vehicle.
The impact knocked down the scooter, causing Sinchana to fall under the truck’s wheels. Despite suffering serious injuries, she gave birth to a baby, but both she and the newborn succumbed to their injuries within minutes. The Nelamangala police quickly responded to the scene, arresting the truck driver and seizing the vehicle.
Superintendent of Police CK Baba visited the accident site and assessed the situation. The location is a high-risk zone, with over 90 fatal accidents reported in the past six months.
Speaking to reporters outside the hospital, Manjunath said that Sinchana’s delivery date was scheduled for August 17. “Our company has another branch, and she suggested I work there so that I wouldn’t be sad being away from home. Today was our last day together, and I wanted to spend a moment with her at the temple before I was to catch the bus at 9.30 pm. We were travelling slowly near a dhaba just after Yedehalli when the lorry driver came speeding and hit us.”