In a horrifying incident, a Bengaluru woman, Aishwarya, woke up on the morning of August 28 to find that her friend Navyashri lay dead next to her. The 28-year-old dance instructor was found dead with stab wounds on her neck. The incident occurred at a residence in Kengeri Satellite Town, and the police have arrested Navyashri’s husband, Kiran, for her murder. A case has been registered by the Kengeri police under section 103(1) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS).
Navyashri, originally from Bhadravathi in Shivamogga district, had been married to Kiran, a cab driver, for three years. Their relationship had deteriorated, with Kiran becoming increasingly suspicious of Navyashri being in an extramarital affair.
On August 27, Navyashri confided in her friend Aishwarya about the harassment she was facing from Kiran and expressed fear for her safety. The two friends, along with another friend named Anil, spent the evening together, and Anil suggested that Navyashri file a police complaint against her husband. Later, Navyashri and Aishwarya returned to Navyashri's home. The following morning, Aishwarya awoke to find her clothes wet and, to her horror, discovered Navyashri lying dead beside her, with stab wounds on her neck.
Aishwarya raised an alarm, bringing neighbours to the scene, who then alerted the Kengeri police. According to Aishwarya's complaint, Kiran had used a duplicate key to enter the house and commit the murder while they were asleep. Kiran was arrested within hours of the crime and confessed to the murder. He admitted that he had frequently fought with Navyashri over suspicions of extramarital affairs.