A 37-year-old Bengaluru resident named Mohit Kher and his father were assaulted by a cab driver due to their insistence on taking the toll road while en route from the Kempegowda International airport to Koramangala. Following Mohit's complaint, the police arrested the 25-year-old cab driver, Devaraj Naik. The incident took place on Tuesday, March 26.
According to Mohit, he hired the taxi from Kempegowda International Airport to NGV, Koramangala, on Tuesday night. During the journey, the driver deviated from the main route onto an isolated road, causing concern for Mohit and his family. When Mohit requested the driver to return to the main road, citing concerns over safety, the driver refused saying he did not have a FastTag or cash for the toll payment.
An argument ensued, leading to the driver stopping the car in the middle of the road and physically assaulting Mohit. When Mohit's father attempted to intervene, he too was assaulted by the driver, who then threw the luggage on the ground and fled the scene.
Mohit subsequently reported the incident to the police upon reaching the airport. A case has been registered against Devraj under IPC Sections 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), and 324 (causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means).