Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka DK Shivakumar on Thursday, March 21, said that he has kept the irrigation portfolio with himself to ensure that the Mekedatu project is implemented. The Karnataka Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) attacked the Congress government over the water dispute after Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) in its election manifesto promised that they won’t allow construction of Mekedatu dam by Karnataka.
In response, Shivakumar said, “It is the stand of the DMK. It is their desire and political wish, and I don’t want to comment on it. I took the Ministry of Irrigation to ensure that the Mekedatu project is implemented. We want to help Tamil Nadu as well. We will release 177 TMC of water, as Karnataka stands committed to the court order. At the same time, we want to help the people of Bengaluru, who have come from all over the country."
Shivakumar, who's also the Karnataka Congress chief, said the aim is to provide clean drinking water to people from Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Northeast, and North Indian states who have settled in Bengaluru.
“Let them [DMK] carry out their struggle. The case is coming up before the managing authority. I am confident of getting justice for Karnataka. The committee has an understanding of the prevailing situation in the state, and it is willing to render justice. I have full faith that we will get justice in all the courts,” Shivakumar said.
BJP's Leader of Opposition R Ashoka had said that the Congress launched the 'Mekedatu Padayatra' promising that it will bring water to Bengaluru. “Now, the government is stabbing the people of Karnataka in the back. Deputy CM Shivakumar, will you now take your MLAs to Chennai and stage a protest there? Or will you compromise the interest of the Kannada people for the sake of Rahul Gandhi," he added.