Joe Russo, the younger of the Russo brothers, who directed four films for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in an interview revealed how Rajinikanth’s Robot had inspired the final sequence in his Avengers: Age of Ultron. The director, who was in Mumbai to promote his upcoming film, Avengers: Endgame, also said if he had to choose among Indian heroes, he would cast Rajinikanth as Iron Man and Salman Khan in the role of Hulk.
Talking about the Indian connection to one of his Avenger’s series, Joe Russo revealed how the climatic sequence in Rajini-Shankar’s 2010 movie Robot had inspired a scene in Avengers: The Age of Ultron.
“Robot had influenced Avengers: Age of Ultron. There was a sequence that was directly influenced by the end of Robot,” the director said.
The scene that Joe Russo is referring to is the one where all the ultrons come together to form a large Ultron, inspired by the climax sequence in Rajini’s Robot where all the robots come together to form a snake.
"Rajinikanth's #Robot had influenced Avengers Age Of Ultron" - @Russo_Brothers
— Prince Prithvi (@PrincePrithvi) April 3, 2019
Speaking further, Joe also said that he watches a lot of Indian movies and likes action movies, and especially the camera work.
“I’m an action director, so I saw Dabangg years ago, I still have to see Dabangg 2, I thought the camera work was great in those films and the tone, energy was great,” Joe said.
Now that he has seen both Robot and Dabbangg, the director further said that if he had to cast Indian heroes in any of his superhero movies, he had choose Salman as Hulk and Rajini as Iron Man.
And it’s not just the heroes Russo talked about, the director also revealed that the Russo brothers are in talks with Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra to cast her in one of their upcoming ventures.
“Priyanka is transitioning into a global star and I would certainly love to work with her. It’s not for Marvel, but it’s something we are producing. I wouldn’t like to reveal more,” Russo added.
Avengers: Endgame is all set to hit theatres worldwide on April 24. In India, the movie will be released in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. The movie stars Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson.