Tollywood actor Naga Chaitanya has teamed up with director Venkat Prabhu, who predominantly works in the Tamil industry, for his next. The untitled flick marks Chaitanya’s 22nd film. He was recently seen in the Telugu commercial entertainer Bangarraju which co-starred his father, actor Nagarjuna Akkineni, and Krithi Shetty in the lead. The new film is a Tamil-Telugu bilingual project. Sharing the announcement with fans, Venkat Prabhu wrote: “God is kind.. with the blessings of almighty and my fans I am happy to announce my next, a bilingual film (tamil & telugu) with my brother @chay_akkineni produced by @SS_Screens @srinivasaaoffl #NC22 #VP11 #SSS10 (sic).”\
Chaitanya’s upcoming film Thank You, directed by Vikram Kumar, is in the post-production phase. He also has Hindi film Laal Singh Chaddha in the pipeline, which co-stars actors Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor in the lead. The film is currently slated to hit the big screens on August 11.
The pre-production for the Venkat Prabhu directorial is currently progressing at a brisk pace, the director said. According to India Today’s report, Venkat Prabhu revealed in a statement that the film will be a commercial entertainer that will appeal to the sensibilities of the Telugu audiences. "I am aware of Naga Chaitanya’s strengths and the sensibilities of Telugu audiences. Hence, I have prepared a winning script for the movie. It is an out-and-out commercial entertainer. The film will not only have many noted actors but also popular technicians who will take care of different crafts,” a statement by him read.
The Tamil-Telugu bilingual is produced by Srinivasaa Chitturi under the banner of Srinivasaa Silver Screens. Venkat Prabhu’s last directorial venture was Manmatha Leelai which released on April 1. Prior to Manmatha Leelai, he directed the critically acclaimed time-loop thriller Maanaadu. Starring Simbu and SJ Suryah in the lead, Maanaadu was a political thriller that opened to positive reviews from critics and audiences alike.
God is kind.. with the blessings of almighty and my fans I am happy to announce my next, a bilingual film (tamil & telugu) with my brother @chay_akkineni produced by @SS_Screens @srinivasaaoffl #NC22 #VP11 #SSS10
— venkat prabhu (@vp_offl) April 6, 2022