Power Star Puneeth Rajkumar is set to turn producer for the first time ever. According to reports, he will be producing a movie in association with Karthik Gowda of Hombale Films. Karthik, who was the executive producer for films like Masterpiece, Ninnindale, and Raajkumara, has formed a new banner called Karthi Films, and the joint venture will be produced under it.
According to reports, the film is touted to be a thriller and will be directed by Hemanth Rao, who had directed the critically acclaimed Godhi Banna Sadharna Mykattu.
Puneeth has been looking to venture into production, and finally decided on this script. Talks on this film began on the sets of Raajkumara and the project is now materialising, Karthik has reportedly said.
The star is keen on promoting young talents and his production house will be producing films that will launch talented actors and technicians. More details about the genre of the film, actors and the crew will be revealed shortly, we hear.
(Content provided by Digital Native)