The title of actor Ashok Selvan’s upcoming film was unveiled on Monday, February 7, by actor Dulquer Salmaan. The Tamil-Telugu bilingual film stars actors Aparna Balamurali, Ritu Varma and Shivatmika in pivotal roles. The film has been titled Nitham Oru Vaanam in Tamil and Aakasham in Telugu. Sharing the announcement, Dulquer Salmaan wrote: “A truly special film. With close friends starring & making it. Nitham Oru Vaanam / Aakasham will be an experience beyond this poster. #NithamOruVaanam #Aakasham. Wishing @Rakarthik_dir @AshokSelvan @GopiSundarOffl @riturv @Aparnabala2 @ShivathmikaR the very best!”
The movie will be directed by filmmaker RA Karthick. It will have music by Gopi Sundar and editing by Antony. George C Williams has been roped in as the Director of Photography (DOP). The tagline of the movie reads: “Where you think it ends, Life begins.” Further details about the project are awaited.
A glimpse video from director Venkat Prabhu’s upcoming film Manmatha Leelai, which stars actor Ashok Selvan in the lead, was also scheduled to release on Monday, February 7. However, the makers announced that they are postponing the release of the glimpse video after singer Lata Mangeshkar’s demise.
Ashok Selvan was recently seen in the Malayalam period drama Marakkar. Helmed by Priyadarshan, the ensemble cast included Mohanlal, Suniel Shetty, Kalyani Priyadarshan, Pranav Mohanlal, Ashok Selvan, Prabhu, Manju Warrier, Keerthy Suresh, Mukesh, Siddique and Nedumudi Venu among others.
The theatrical release of Marakkar was postponed multiple times before it hit the big screens on December 2. The film subsequently released on Over-the-top (OTT) platform Amazon Prime Video.
The Thegidi actor was also seen in the recently released hyperlink drama Sila Nerangalil Sila Manidhargal. Written and directed by debutant Vishal Venkat, the film hit the big screens on January 28. It is bankrolled by AR Entertainment and Trident Arts. The cast includes actors Nassar, Manikandan, Abi Hassan, Reyya, KS Ravikumar, Riythvika and Sivamaran in significant roles.
He is currently working on the upcoming movie Hostel.
A truly special film. With close friends starring & making it. Nitham Oru Vaanam / Aakasham will be an experience beyond this poster. #NithamOruVaanam #Aakasham
— Dulquer Salmaan (@dulQuer) February 7, 2022
Wishing @Rakarthik_dir @AshokSelvan @GopiSundarOffl @riturv @Aparnabala2 @ShivathmikaR the very best !
— venkat prabhu (@vp_offl) February 6, 2022