N Balakrishna and director Boyapati Srinivas are teaming up for the third time after delivering earlier hits such as Simha and Legend. The untitled film which is tentatively being called 'NBK 106' went to floors, the pooja for the project was held on December 6. The film is being produced by Miriyala Raveendar under his banner.
On the progress of this film, we hear that shooting had to be stalled for some time as the team is restructuring the budget. In the meantime, recently, a picture of the film’s lead star Balayya has been circulating on the internet making his fans wonder if this is his look for the Boyapati directorial. The star is seen posing for a photo, in what appears to be a private function, with a completely bald head and thick mustache.
Right from the time this project was announced, speculations about the female lead turned out to be a hot topic. According to reports, the filmmakers are keen on roping in the Bollywood diva Sonakshi Sinha to play Balayya’s lead pair. Talks have been initiated with the actor and she is yet to sign on the dotted lines. Some reports also suggest that it could be Tammannah coming onboard. However, there is still no clarity on this.
Further, the filmmakers are discussing with Sanjay Dutt to take up the baddie role. Sources in the know say that the makers of this film want to sign up a couple of Bollywood stars as it would fetch high amounts for the Hindi dubbing rights and YouTube rights.
On choosing the film, Balayya has been quoted by the Deccan Chronicle as saying much earlier, “I’ve taken up films that are either based on inspiring personalities or incidents. But the story of this film is very intense and carries an underlying message. The dialogues and screenplay will be some of the talking points of the film.”