Director Siddique’s latest Malayalam movie “Bhaskar the Rascal” slated for an April 15 release has been attracting unwanted attention. The movie starring Mammootty and Nayantara in lead roles will see Mammootty and Siddique working together after a gap of 12 years.However, the movie seems to be in news for the wrong reasons.After one of the songs from the movie “I love you mamma” was released, the uncanny resemblance of the visuals to an Arabic album song, “Love you mamma” sung by Hala Al Turk, did not go unnoticed.A Times of India report quotes Siddique as saying, "Yes, the visuals are inspired from the Arabic album ‘I Love You Mamma’. However, the songs, its lyrics and music are entirely different; only the theme is the same.”The music of Bhaskar the Rascal is composed by Deepak Dev, who was earlier pressed with plagiarism charges for his songs for the film “Urumi”.The director further stated the similarity in the theme of both the songs as the scene-by-scene “inspiration”.