When Japan’s twitterati began mass trolling the ISIS
When Japan’s twitterati began mass trolling the ISIS

When Japan’s twitterati began mass trolling the ISIS

The News Minute | January 23, 2015 | 05.20 pm IST

When the ISIS gave less than 72 hours to Japan threatening to behead two Japanese hostages unless they were given $200 million in ransom, the last reaction they would have expected was mass trolling by the country’s twitter users.

The ISIS had on Tuesday released a video showing two men, 47 year-old journalist Kenji Goto and 42 year-old Jaruna Yukawa, a private security consultant wearing orange jumpsuits and kneeling down next to a black-clad man standing between them.

It gave the Japanese government 72 hours to respond, a deadline that has passed on Friday with no word on the fate of the two hostages.

However, soon after the video released, Japanese twitter users started using a hashtag which roughly translates to “ISIS Crappy Photoshop Grand Prix” and began tweeting images of different ISIS hostage videos in a comic format.

While Japan said that it would not cave in to terrorism, ISIS supporters too responded to the public mocking in the same format - through comic interpretations.

AJ+ has compiled some of the tweets mocking the ISIS. With the terrorist organisation responding in kind to the Japanese, this kind of interaction is any day a welcome change compared to the violence one is usually confronted with.

The News Minute