Three Wheels United (TWU), a global fintech company for EV financing, celebrated ‘Auto Day’ in Bengaluru on the occasion of late actor Shankar Nag’s birthday on Wednesday, November 9. The event was held at Swami Vivekananda Playground, BTM Layout from 10 am to 7 pm. More than 3000 drivers and their families participated in the event.
"Celebrated on the day of Shankar Nag’s birthday, a movie star and cult icon amongst Bengaluru’s auto drivers, Auto Day was started by TWU and PeaceAuto with an aim to bring dignity to the auto driver community and to recognise their importance in society. The event had many activities such as health checkups and COVID vaccinations for drivers and their families, Shankar Nag Award and gold medals for outstanding service, and felicitation of women drivers. In addition, 10 laptops were distributed to children of drivers, and daughters of 10 drivers each received a scholarship worth Rs 10,000 for higher education," the company said in a statement.
Over the last several years, Three Wheels United says it has been working towards improving the income of auto drivers by helping them switch from conventional engines to EV vehicles. The company provides affordable financing solutions for drivers to buy electric auto rickshaws. Till date, the company claims to have financed 4000+ EVs and they work with 50,000 drivers through their platform, offering them various products and services.
Commenting on the event, Cedrick Tandong, CEO and Co-Founder, Three Wheels United, said, “For over ten years now, we have been closely working with auto rickshaw drivers in the city to identify and address the challenges they face. From affordable financing to a mobile app exclusively for drivers to seamlessly operate their EVs and loan repayments, we have introduced many initiatives to improve their income and their quality of life. We believe that drivers play a very important role in the everyday lives of urban commuters. Through this event, we want to honour their work, celebrate their accomplishments, and acknowledge their contribution to urban transportation.”