TDP-YSRCP followers clash over fancy vehicle registration number
TDP-YSRCP followers clash over fancy vehicle registration number

TDP-YSRCP followers clash over fancy vehicle registration number

Tension prevailed for a while at the RTO office as both the party leaders exchanged heated arguments.

There was chaos at the regional transport office at Vuyyuru in Krishna district on Thursday after the ruling TDP and YSRC followers created a ruckus over a fancy registration number for a vehicle.   

On Thursday, YSRCP follower Vinay Kumar submitted his bid for Rs 30,000 at the RTO office, for getting the registration number AP 16 TD 7777 for his vehicle.

However, Konda Praveen Kumar, one of the followers of TDP MLC, YVB Rajendra Prasad, also wanted the same number for his Tata Safari.

Konda’s followers soon surrounded Vinay and refused to let him leave the premises, resulting in a fracas between the TDP and YSRCP leaders.

Tension prevailed for a while at the RTO office as both the party leaders exchanged heated arguments.

It was reported that Konda’s followers told Vinay to withdraw his bid since the fancy number was “desired” by the MLC for his aide.

Earlier, the TDP followers also allegedly threatened a few people who came to make bids for the same number.

At one point, the TDP leaders even allegedly threatened to kidnap Vinay Kumar for competing for the same fancy number. However, Vuyyuru police did not register any case.

“Is it necessary for you (Vinay) to have a registration number that the MLC wants? Bring the car, let's abduct him,” Times of India quoted some followers as yelling at Vinay.

YSRCP spokesperson Ambati Rambabu accused MLC YVB Rajendra Prasad of misusing his power. Prasad allegedly threatened a person who recorded the incident at the RTO office and threw his mobile phone on the floor.

“Instead of focusing on development in their constituencies, ruling party leaders are keen on attacking Vinay Kumar, who made a bid for a fancy registration number for his vehicle. Stern action should be taken against the MLC for attacking the Opposition leaders,” Rambabu told The New Indian Express.

Meanwhile, the TDP MLC Rajendra Prasad has denied the allegations.

“The issue has been blown out of proportion by a section of the media. I have not threatened any person or the scribe,” he told TOI.

According RTO officials, Praveen Kumar finally got the fancy number for Rs 62,000 in the auction held on Friday.

The News Minute