More trouble is brewing for suspended IPS officer Alok Kumar after the family of a deceased youth filed a complaint with the Lokayukta against Kumar and two other police officers on fake encounter charges.According to a Bangalore Mirror report, 20-year-old Prashanth was allegedly shot at point-blank range in 2010. The complaint by Prashanth’s brother, Lakshmikanth, names inspector MK Ganapathi and sub-inspector BN Lohith and even Alok Kumar as he was the Joint Commissioner (Crime) during this period.“On seeing the scene of occurrence itself, anyone could make out that it was a fake encounter done by the Yeshwantpur police inspector Sri MK Ganapathi and his staff at the instance of (then) joint commissioner of crime, Sri Alok Kumar, IPS," the report quoted Lakshmikanth.In the complaint, Lakshmikanth alleges that his brother was false implicated in many cases and accused police officials of extorting money from Prashanth.After the incident, Lakshmikanth and his mother Umadevi had approached then chief minister, the home minister, the state police chief, and the Lokayukta in 2012 claiming that Prashanth's death was staged and it done at the behest of his enemies.Umadevi had also produced many documents to support her claims and had sought a CBI probe, added the report.