While COVID-19 cases continue to be on the rise in Tamil Nadu, Health Minister C Vijayabaskar has said that a second lockdown is not on the cards. In an interview with The Hindu’s Kathelene Antony, Vijayabaskar, who is AIADMK’s candidate from Viralimalai constituency this Assembly elections, has said that while the government hopes for better public cooperation, a lockdown similar to the one last year, is not being planned. Over the last 12 days, the rate of increase in COVID-19 cases in the state has been at an alarming 135%.
13-03-2021 அன்று 695 பேருக்கு புதியதாக கொரோனா நோய்த்தொற்று கண்டறியப்பட்டது. 24 -03–2021 அன்று 1,636 பேருக்கு புதியதாக கொரோனா நோய்த்தொற்று கண்டறியப்பட்டது.
— TN SDMA (@tnsdma) March 25, 2021
இது கடந்த 12 நாட்களில் 135 % (சதவிகிதம்) உயர்ந்துள்ளது. pic.twitter.com/PbgTmgOyOG
In Tamil Nadu, on March 25, 1,779 persons tested positive for COVID-19 and this included 664 from Chennai. Over hundred new cases were reported from Chengalpattu (162), Coimbatore (153) and Thanjavur (108). A total of 1027 patients were discharged on Thursday and 11 persons succumbed to COVID-19 on the same day.
Earlier this week, the Tamil Nadu government cancelled physical classes for students in classes 9, 10 and 11. While online classes have begun for schools and colleges, Class 12 students who will be facing their board examinations this May, will continue their physical classes with safety measures in place.
The increasing cases also prompted the Puducherry government to close schools till May 31, earlier this week. There will be no classes for students from Class 1 to Class 8. However there will be online classes for students in classes 9 to 12 which will be held five days a week. A release from the office of Lt Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan on Thursday said that the government had approved a proposal by universities to hold classes only online. However, practical classes for final semester class students would be held offline with strict adherence to the Standard Operating Procedure, the release said.
(With inputs from PTI)