In an incident that has sent shock waves in Kerala, a doctor was killed on Saturday after a speeding car rammed his bike.
The car driven by a minor was going at high speed when it hit the doctor's bike.
CCTV visuals of the incident shows Dr Naveen Kumar, assistant professor in surgery at the Palakkad Government Medical college, his wife Dr Jayashree and their son riding on the bike.
The car speeding from the other side then hits the bike, throwing all the three riders down. The accident happened at the Chakkanthara road in Palakkad.
Car accident CCTV visual screenshot
The 17-year-old was driving a car that had been rented. Police officers confirmed to TNM that the minor has been identified and a juvenile court will decide his punishment. Meanwhile, a case has been charged against the man who rented the car to a minor who did not possess a licence.
While Naveen Kumar died of head injury, his wife Jayashree has sustained rib and pelvic fractures.
Dr Naveen hails from Pookunam in Thrissur.