Indian flag at Capitol hill attack
Indian flag at Capitol hill attack

Indian flag waved in the middle of mob at the attack on US Capitol building

Thousands of Donald Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol building on Wednesday, opposing Joe Biden’s win in the presidential elections.

News of thousands of Donald Trump supporters storming the United States Capitol building in opposition to Joe Biden’s democratic win in the US presidential election has shaken up people across the world. In what is being called an assault on American democracy, the protesters clashed with the state police who were outnumbered by the maskless mob.  

The House, Senate and the entire Capitol went under lockdown to handle the situation, videos of which showed alarming scenes unfolding. Some of the videos also showed the Indian flag at the protest. Among cries of “We want Trump!”, the Indian tricolour can be seen flying amid the mob as well.

Incidentally, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has tweeted against the rioting and violence in Washington. “Distressed to see news about rioting and violence in Washington DC. Orderly and peaceful transfer of power must continue. The democratic process cannot be allowed to be subverted through unlawful protests,” he wrote.

Commenting on the presence of the Indian flag at the attack, people pointed out on social media that the mob that stormed the Capitol while members of the Congress were going through the process of counting and certifying electoral college votes also included Indian-American supporters of Trump.

One Twitter user pointed out the contrast between seeing the Indian flag at a protest against a democratic election outcome with how India had defied saluting Adolf Hitler during the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

“The Indian Olympian contingent was one of only two teams to not raise their arm (Nazi Salute) as they marched past Adolf Hitler during the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Defiance. Today the Indian Flag was there along with Confederate & White supremacists flags in #CapitolHill. Shameful,” he said. Where India was a part of the Non-Aligned Movement, it was shameful that today the Indian flag was spotted aligning with “supremacists, neo-colonisers and fascists,” another Twitter user said.

Many others questioned why there was an Indian flag was seen among the mob, and that it was “shameful”.

The News Minute