In a shocking incident, a two-month-old girl was drowned and killed by her father in Andhra Pradesh’s Anantapur district. The incident came to light on Friday after the police detained Mallikarjuna, the accused. The incident took place in Kalyandurg.
The accused, Mallikarjuna, allegedly taped the mouth of his child, put her in a gunny bag and threw her into a water body. According to reports, Mallikarjuna suspected his wife Chittemma’s fidelity and assuming that the child was not his, he committed the heinous act. Mallikarjuna and Chittemma are residents of Idukallu village in Setturu Mandal.
On the night of Thursday, October 21, Mallikarjuna and Chittemma, who are daily wage labourers, took their daughter to RDT Hospital for a medical check-up. While Chittemma was waiting for the doctor, the baby started crying. Mallikarjuna took away the baby from the mother telling her that he would pacify her by taking her around. However, Mallikarjuna did not return for several hours. A worried Chittemma then approached the Kalyandurg police complaining about the missing daughter and husband.
The police soon launched a search by circulating images of the baby and Mallikarjuna on social media. They received information about Mallikarjuna’s movements and tracked him down in Anantapur town. After detaining him, Mallikarjuna during the interrogation confessed that she killed his daughter by dumping her into the water body.
“I suspect my wife had a relationship with someone. Our daughter had no resemblance to anyone in the family. I put a plaster on her mouth, dumped her into a gunny bag and threw her into a water body.” Mallikarjuna was quoted as saying by the Times of India.