Rainy Day Safety: Shielding Children During Monsoon Mayhem
Rainy Day Safety: Shielding Children During Monsoon Mayhem

Rainy Day Safety: Shielding Children During Monsoon Mayhem

By Dr Vamsi Kiran Rayudu

The monsoon season surely provides respite from the scorching heat of summer but brings with it health concerns, especially for children. Monsoon is the season when kids get excited and go out in the rain, exposing themselves to a lot of health issues. Parents need to take proactive, protective measures to ensure good health of their children.

Care begins at home

  • Make sure the house, especially the child’s room, is properly ventilated and dry, without any areas of stagnant water.
  • • Children should wear dry, loose clothing to ensure proper comfort.
  • • If children get wet in the rain, make sure they have a good bath at home, to ensure that they don’t catch any infection.
  • • Keep children well-hydrated and ensure they are always given warm food and fluids.
  • • Children should be educated about the importance of hand washing, especially before having food and after playing outdoors.
  • • Children’s nails should be cut regularly to prevent spread of infections.
  • • Make sure children have raincoats, umbrellas and boots available at all times.
  • • Don’t let children play in stagnant water or in water-logged places.

We are what we eat

  • • Our health and well-being are influenced by the quality of food we consume.
  • • Focus on home-made food for the children, it’s better to avoid junk food.
  • • Fresh fruits and vegetables are a must in daily diet.
  • • Food should always be covered and food should not be kept outside the refrigerator for more than 2 hours.
  • • Ensure clean and safe drinking water. Water must always be boiled and cooled and children should carry their own water bottle to school.

Prevention is always better than cure

  • • Temperature and humidity changes during the monsoon encourage germs to grow and stagnant water is the breeding ground for mosquitos.
  • • Prevent mosquito-borne diseases by using nets and repellents, keeping doors and windows closed in evening, proper disposal of garbage and avoiding stagnation of water.
  • • Teach children to use tissue/handkerchief whenever they sneeze/cough.
  • • Avoid contact with people who have flu symptoms.
  • • Vaccines boost the immune system and protect children from diseases that are rampant during the monsoon. Regular scheduled vaccinations along with yearly flu booster can enhance the child’s defence against various life-threatening infections.
  • • Regular exercise and physical activity along with sufficient sleep ensures overall health and immunity of children.
  • • Keep basic fever medications at home to alleviate any sudden fever spikes.
  • • Children should be evaluated immediately by nearby paediatricians.

To conclude, if basic health precautions along with focus on diet and timely vaccinations are followed, the monsoon season can be thoroughly enjoyed by us along with our little ones.

This article was published in association with Rainbow Children’s Hospital.

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