Andhra Pradesh's ruling party YSR Congress, on Saturday, April 27, released its election manifesto for the next month's Assembly polls, promising to continue the existing welfare programmes and enhance the quantum of assistance under a few schemes. Chief Minister and YSR Congress president YS Jagan Mohan Reddy released the manifesto with nine promises. Making a few changes to the promises made in the 2019 manifesto under Navaratnalu, he released the manifesto titled Navaratnalu Plus.
Claiming that the party implemented 99% of the promises made in 2019 elections, he assured people that if the party retains power, it will continue the ongoing welfare schemes and further expand some of them.
The YSRCP has reiterated its promise of three state capitals. Viskhapatnam will be developed as executive capital, Amaravati as legislative capital and Kurnool as the judicial capital.
Jagan assured that the YSR Congress will continue its focus on education and health sectors to empower the poor.
The party promised that the financial assistance under the 'Amma Vodi' scheme will be enhanced to Rs 17,000 from Rs 15,000 annually. Under the scheme, eligible mothers who send their children to schools receive financial assistance.
Social security pensions will be increased in two phases to Rs 3,500. The pension will be enhanced by Rs 250 in each phase in January 2028 and January 2029.
He claimed that Andhra Pradesh is the only state giving pensions to 66 lakh people. Under YSR Rythu Bharosa, the annual financial assistance for farmers will be increased to Rs 16,000 from the present Rs 13,500. Tenant farmers will also get the benefit under the scheme.
Jagan promised to increase interest-free crop loans to Rs 3 lakh from the existing one lakh. YSR Cheyutha, under which financial assistance is provided to make poor women aged between 45-60 self-reliant will continue.
Stating that every beneficiary received Rs 75,000 in four installments during the last five years, Jagan Mohan Reddy promised that an equal assistance will be provided in the next five years. Vidya Kanuka or free education kits to students of government schools will also continue, the party promised in its manifesto.
The YSR Congress promised that YSR Kapu Nestham would also continue. Under this scheme, the government provided financial assistance of Rs 60,000 each in five years to women in the age group of 45-60 years belonging to Kapu, Balija, Telaga and Ontari communities to make them self-reliant.
Under Economically Backward Classes (EBC) Nestham, every woman beneficiary will get financial assistance of Rs 60,000 in five years. During the last five years, each beneficiary received Rs 45,000 in four installments.
Jagan Mohan Reddy made it clear that he would not make promises that could not be fulfilled. Through a power-point presentation, he explained that 'Super-6' and other promises made by the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) will have a total financial implication of Rs 1,21,619 crore.
He pointed out that this will be in addition to Rs 29,100 crore required for implementing seven ongoing mandatory schemes like free reimbursement, free electricity to 18.58 lakh connections, free rice to 1.48 ration cards and Vasati Deevena. He questioned how Rs 1,50,718 crore will be mobilised.