A midnight altercation between a local tea vendor and devotees from Karnataka spiralled into violence at the Mallikarjuna Swamy temple in Srisailam in Andhra Pradesh late on Wednesday night, March 30. The clashes saw a few shops and vehicles gutted while several persons received injuries. Following the incident, Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has requested his Andhra Pradesh counterpart YS Jagan Mohan Reddy to provide protection to the devotees from his state who visit Srisailam.
Addressing the media on Thursday, March 31, Bommai said that a large number of devotees from Maharashtra and Karnataka visit Srisailam in Andhra Pradesh. "I have been in constant contact with the Andhra Pradesh officials since yesterday night. The situation is now in control. Two pilgrims were seriously injured and hospitalised. They are recovering. Efforts are on to speak to the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister." One devotee from Karnataka is reportedly hospitalised and undergoing treatment. His condition is said to be stable.
Srisailam has a temple of Lord Shiva. Large number of people visit this place regularly. "Pilgrims from Karnataka have been assaulted at Srisailam. A large number of pilgrims from other states visit Srisailam for the religious Yatra (fair). The pilgrims from outside should be ensured proper protection," the Chief Minister added. The incident took place as the five-day Ugadi Mahotsavam began in the temple, which is one of the biggest events in the city.
The Mallikarjuna temple in Kurnool district’s Srisailam is one of the most popular Hindu temples in Andhra Pradesh. The temple was shut briefly during the lockdown induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, but later reopened to devotees as cases declined. The police said that they had taken note of the incident and further investigation is underway to ascertain what caused the confrontation to escalate.