Andhra Pradesh Human Resources Development Minister Nara Lokesh categorically denied the presence of a hidden camera in the women’s washroom of Seshadri Rao Gudlavalleru Engineering College. Addressing a press conference on Sunday, September 1, Lokesh said that the police investigation established that there were no hidden cameras and erroneous news was the result of a feud between a few students.
Lokesh, who is also the son of CM Chandrababu Naidu, said, “There are no hidden cameras. No videos have come out. Our investigation has found zero evidence of a hidden camera. This issue is being unnecessarily sensationalised because I handle the Education portfolio.”
Lokesh said that the investigation found that there is a feud between four students, which has been extrapolated. These students have been arrested, he said. “The police have collected all their [arrested students] call records, and the DGP will reveal these details. But there is no hidden camera,” Lokesh asserted.
A protest erupted at Seshadri Rao Gudlavalleru Engineering College located in Krishna district on August 29, with women students alleging that a hidden camera was installed in the women’s washroom. The agitating students blamed a male student and a female student for the alleged crime. Unconfirmed reports claimed that nearly 300 voyeuristic videos were found and shared amongst the male students.
The allegations led to a mass protest and prompt intervention of Home Minister T Vanitha.
Earlier too, Krishna district Superintendent of Police Gangadhar Rao told TNM that they did not find any evidence of a hidden camera being placed in the women’s washroom. However, the students refused to believe the police’s claim.