A man in Andhra Pradesh’s Lingalapadu village of Krishna district’s Nandigama mandal brutally assaulted his wife and almost chopped her legs off earlier this week. The incident took place on Tuesday night after an argument broke out between the couple over the sale of their buffalo. The accused has been identified as 40-year-old G Picchaiah, who was living with his wife Rajeshwari.
Rajeshwari was rushed to a local hospital first and later to the Government General Hospital in Vijayawada where she underwent surgery.
Speaking to TNM, Nandigama SI Murali Krishna said, “Pichaiah is a habitual drinker. He used to beat his wife up regularly over issues related to money. Recently, he sold off their buffalo so that he could get more money to drink. Angered by this, his wife picked up an argument but the altercation soon took a serious turn. Pichaiah picked up an axe that was kept in the house and struck his wife’s legs.”
The couple have two children, who were at home during the incident. Their daughter rushed out of her room when she heard her mother’s screams and alerted the neighbours.
“She is stable now and out of danger. A case under Section 307 (Attempt to murder) of the IPC has been registered and Pichaiah has been taken into custody,” the police officer added.
Speaking to ANI, the couple’s daughter said, “My parents are not happy in their marital life. My mother wanted us to shift to Keesara near her brother’s place, but my father didn’t accept the proposal. Last night, they both had a huge fight over the sale of our buffalo. Later in the night, I heard my mother scream and when I woke up and checked, I saw that my father had hacked both her legs.”