In view of Indian Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu’s upcoming visit to Hyderabad, the city traffic police have issued an advisory on possible diversions and traffic halts through the routes that the Vice President (VP) is scheduled to pass through. The VP will be landing in Hyderabad on Friday to attend an official programme at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS) at the Nizamia Observatory campus in Begumpet on Saturday. Security arrangements have been undertaken by the authorities in light of his visit.
On Friday, traffic will be halted or diverted at around 6 pm, when Naidu is scheduled to arrive at the Begumpet airport and proceed to his residence at Jubilee Hills via the Panjagutta and Jubilee Hills Checkpost route.
In view of @MVenkaiahNaidu visit to Hyd there will be traffic halts /diversions along'Begumport-Panjagutta-Jubileehils checkpost route on Friday around 6pm & on Saturday around 10.30 am along CESS Hyd Begumpet, Panjagutta and Jubilee hills checkpost route.
— CharanTeja (@CharanT16) March 26, 2021
On Saturday, the Vice President will reportedly attend the programme at CESS in Begumpet at around 10.30 am. Following this, he is scheduled to make his way back to his Jubilee Hills residence at 12 noon. The Begumpet-Panjagutta and Jubilee Hills Checkpost route, which connects the CESS campus to Jubilee Hills, will witness traffic halts or diversions.
Additional Commissioner of Police (Traffic), Anil Kumar said, "The citizens are requested to take note of the above timings and route, and plan their movements accordingly and co-operate with the Hyderabad Traffic Police."
The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation’s (GHMC) newly elected Mayor Gadwal Vijayalaxmi is also expected to join the other state government representatives in receiving Vice President Venkaiah Naidu at the Begumpet airport.
Earlier in January, the Vice President had visited Hyderabad to attend an event at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in the city.
Meanwhile, in light of road construction works for the integrated development of the Kokapet Layout by the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) at Narsingi village, the Cyberabad Traffic Police have imposed traffic diversions in the area from March 20.