Two Rohingya refugees from Myanmar were arrested in Hyderabad on Friday by the Rachakonda police for allegedly selling narcotics. Officials said that the duo, identified as 21-year-old Rahman and 20-year-old Rahim, were arrested near Fatima Masjid in Balapur's Royal Colony on a tip off and 1,330 ‘Ya Ba’ methamphetamine pills were seized from them.
"The accused confessed that they were indulging in sale of narcotic substance and also confessed that the drug seized is called Ya Ba or WY," Rachakonda commissioner Mahesh Bhagwat told reporters, adding that the clues team tested the pills and confirmed that they contained methamphetamine. The narcotic substances were allegedly smuggled from Bangladesh.
The police said that seven packets containing the pills were recovered from their pockets. The accused allegedly procured the drug from another Myanmar national identified as Saleem for Rs 66,500 and were selling each tablet for Rs 200 to Rs 300, media reports stated. Investigation officials also The police also seized two mobile phones, one Aadhaar card and ₹ 26,000 from their possession.
“The drug is mainly imported from Thailand and Myanmar. We have also seized an Aadhar card from Raheem with an Uttar Pradesh address. We are investigating into the matter. The total worth of the seized drugs is more than Rs 2 lakh. In Hyderabad, this is the first time we have come across such an incident,” Mahesh Bhagwat was quoted as saying.
A case was filed under relevant sections of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 and further investigation is ongoing.
About 18,000 Rohingya refugees registered with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) are living in India. Of them, 4,000 of them have found a home in Hyderabad in refugee camps in the city’s Balapur area.
About a million Rohingya reported to have fled Myanmar to escape persecution by armed forces. Majority of them have taken refuge in Bangladesh.
IANS inputs