Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) working president K.T. Rama Rao said on Sunday, April 28, that if there are no BRS MPs in Parliament, the Union government may make Hyderabad a union territory. He appealed to the people of Telangana to elect BRS candidates in the May 13 elections to foil any attempts to make Hyderabad a union territory or common capital of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
He also stated that if people send at least 12 BRS MPs to Parliament, the days of KCR's rule in Telangana will come within a year.
Addressing a meeting of party workers in Manakondur in Karimnagar Parliamentary constituency, he said only the BRS can stall attempts to make Hyderabad a union territory or common capital and to change the Constitution.
He alleged that the BJP is trying to change the Constitution and end the reservation.
He also alleged attempts to do injustice to south India. "Some people are questioning why BRS MPs should be there in the Parliament. Their presence is required to foil these attempts," he said.
Praising the party chief and his father KCR, the BRS working president said that despite crossing 70 years of age, daughter being in jail and the trusted persons leaving the party, KCR is in the midst of people with his bus yatra.
He criticised both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy.
KTR alleged that 'Bada Bhai' cheated people by making promises like Rs 15 lakh in every bank account, doubling the income of farmers, bullet trains, two crore jobs every year and house to everyone.
He alleged that PM Modi insulted Telangana with his comments on the formation of the state.
KTR said that there has been a steep hike in prices of diesel, petrol and essential commodities.
Stating that the Union government levied cesses for construction of highways, he asked why it was now collecting till tax. Targeting Revanth Reddy, he remarked that 'Chhota Bhai' cheated people in Telangana with six guarantees. Coming down heavily on BJP candidate Bandi Sanjay Kumar, KTR remarked that he neither has the ability nor guts to speak in Parliament.
The BRS leader said that BJP has many faces like Bandi Sanjay.
He asked him to tell the people of Karimnagar what he has done for them in five years.
He claimed that the fight in Karimnagar is between BRS and BJP as there was match-fixing between BJP and Congress over the candidate.
He said that though there were strong aspirants in Congress for Karimnagar ticket, the party feared that BRS candidate Vinod Kumar may win the election, and hence it fielded a weak candidate. KTR alleged that there was match fixing between Bandi Sanjay and Revanth Reddy over the Congress candidate in Karimnagar.