Incidents of people from certain communities being denied accommodation has hit headlines recently, and the latest comes via video from Reem Shamsudeen, a visually impaired professor from Kerala at the Delhi University, who has addressed Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.Shamsudeen mentions that she has been denied a rented flat for being Muslim, and she expressed shock at this happening, considering the “cosmopolitan” nature of the capital.“I would like to bring to your notice an instance of discrimination which I had to undergo recently. After the summer vacation, I got a rented flat and paid the advance for my mother and me to move in. The day I got the entire luggage to the new place, the land lord denied giving me the key, saying that she cannot rent her flat to a Muslim,” she says.The 30-year-old woman mentions that during her eight-year stay in Hyderabad where she completed her MA, MPhil and PhD, she “had never experienced this level of discrimination based on religion”.She says that when she had initially come to Delhi in February, there was a lot of hope in the people that the AAP and the CM would work towards ending discrimination.In her appeal to the CM, she expresses fear for students who come down to Delhi looking for a decent education, saying she wished they were never subject to such a “shameful and inhuman experience” as she had.Here is the video: Video of TpriyxWQ6VE