The tussle between the Delhi Police and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has escalated after AAP leader Dilip Pandey has alleged that a police van tried to run over him while he was speaking to media-persons on Tuesday.“I’m shocked that Delhi Police is trying to eliminate me,” Pandey told IANS. “I was luckily pushed away by one of the volunteers,” he added. Pandey, who is also one of the AAP’s national convenors also said he was briefing media-persons outside the police station when all of a sudden a van came towards him. The AAP leader also took to Twitter:Shockd to see sad state of #DelhiPolice. A PoliceBus tried to run ovr-kill me frm behnd whle i was talkng to media. Someone pushed-saved me! — Dilip K. Pandey (@dilipkpandey) July 21, 2015The AAP also posted the following on their Facebook page. Delhi Police Van tried to run over Dilip Pandey - दिलीप पाण्डेय last night when he was talking to some media persons. A... Posted by Aam Aadmi Party on Tuesday, July 21, 2015The party has been part of an ongoing scrap for the control of the Delhi Police. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal had met Police chief BS Bassi on Monday, and the meeting reportedly did not go too well.