Swapna Suresh, the prime accused in the case related to gold smuggling through diplomatic route, on Friday released an audio recording of a conversation she purportedly had with a former visual journalist called Shaj Kiran. On Thursday, Swapna had alleged that Shaj Kiran had threatened her for naming the Chief Minister of Kerala Pinarayi Vijayan and his family members in a statement under Section 164 of the CrPC.
In the course of conversation, the audio of which was released by Swapna in Palakkad, the person identified as Shaj Kiran makes imputations against Pinarayi Vijayan and the state secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan, which Swapna says was recorded after he allegedly threatened her. PS Sarith, who is co-accused in the gold smuggling case is also part of the conversation. The authenticity of the audio clip could not be verified.
Shaj: What were the circumstances in which you had to drag Veena into this? The ADGP had called me just now. Tomorrow, when you go, speak about these things. Ask them to remove the travel ban.
Sarith: We'll fight.
Shaj: What's the use of fighting? The No.1 person is the Chief Minister. It is Shaj Kiran who is saying this. It is being said that the funds of Pinarayi Vijayan and Kodiyeri Balakrishnan are being routed through the Believers Church.
Swapna, during the press conference held at the office of HRDS India, an NGO reportedly close to the RSS, alleged that Shaj said the funds of Pinarayi Vijayan and Kodiyeri were being routed through the Believers Church, a protestant church, which was in the dock for FCRA violations. But as per the audio, he does not seem to be making any claim by himself but casually stating the allegation in reported speech. As per reports, Shaj had earlier claimed that his wife used to work for the Believers’ Church.
At a point, during the conversation, which is friendly in tone, Shaj tells Swapna that she erred by giving the 164 statement and asks her not to make further revelations.
Shaji: What is the point of showing heroism (of making the revelations)? Why did you suffer so much for the sake of Shivasankaran (former principal secretary to the CM, who was arrested and jailed in the gold smuggling case) getting punished? Let him get punished or not. What will gain out of this? Either you need to have some gains from all of this or you should relent. By relenting I mean not unconditionally, but after receiving some amount.
Swapna: Receive money from whom? Whom do we know? Tell me the truth
Shaji: The one who was damaged due to your statements? Get money from them. You were jailed for the crime you didn't commit? You should get compensation for that. Someone else is making money by using you. They know how to play the game and that is why they are making money. They are making you scapegoats.
Swapna is then heard telling Sarith, whose voice is also there in the audio clip, that Shaj has told her that he has already been working to lift the travel ban on them. And for that a huge amount of money would be needed. “Everyone else (apparently all the other accused in the gold smuggling case) got their passports back,” she says.
Speaking to media persons, Swapna alleged that Shaj had asked her to meet him after she gave the 164 statement. Following this, she met him in a location sent by him along with her son on June 7. Another person by the name Ibrahim, whom she alleged is a friend of Shaj, was also present during the meeting. Shaj, according to Swapna, also warned her that Sarith will be picked up and the next day it happened exactly like what he claimed. Swapna also alleged that Shaj told her she should know with whom she has messed up and said Pinarayi would never tolerate his daughter being named in the statement. Sarith was allegedly picked up by a team of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau in Palakkad for questioning on June 8 from the apartment where he stayed.
Swapna said she asked Shaj to meet her at the HRDS India office in Palakkad the next day, on June 8, and the conversation in the audio clip was recorded there. “I invited Shaji to my office after Sarith was ‘kidnapped’ because he was the one who warned me. I invited him to seek help and didn’t have any intention to trap him. But Shaji started mentally harassing me. It was only when the conversation neared the end I started recording it,” she alleged.
Swapna, who was arrested in the gold smuggling case was released on bail in November 2021, after spending 15 months in jail.
A former employee of the UAE Consulate in Kerala, Swapna, after recording the 164 statement, had alleged that a bag of cash was sent to Dubai through the diplomatic route while the Chief Minister Pinarayi Viayan was in Dubai on an official visit. Swapna told media that her statement named the Chief Minister, his wife Kamala Vijayan, daughter Veena Vijayan, former State Chief Secretary Nalini Netto, Additional Private Secretary to Kerala Chief Minister CM Raveendran and former Kerala Education Minister and current legislator KT Jaleel. Section 164 of CrPC refers to confidential statements and confessions made in front of a magistrate.