The News Minute | November 7, 2014 | 9.25 am ISTA 19-year-old nursing student allegedly committed suicide by jumping from the 10th floor of Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) hospital on Thursday. Police said that the deceased has been identified as Roji Roy, daughter of George Roy and Sajitha Roy resides in Kundara, Kollam district. Roji was a BSc Nursing student at KIMS.“As per the primary investigation, this is a clear case of suicide. The incident happened around 12.30 pm. Some junior students had given complaint against her to the authorities and Principal had sought an explanation from Roji, which lead her to take this extreme step,” says an officer from Medical College police station, Thiruvananthapuram to The News Minute.“Further investigation will be done after the postmortem” he added.