In the backdrop of the unprovoked attacks on a mother-son duo for travelling late in the night and on a Hindu boy for dropping his female Muslim classmate, Kozhikode district collector N Prashant has decided to issue a stern warning to all such self-proclaimed moral police in his district.
In a Facebook post, Prashant -popularly known as ‘Collector Bro’ for his people-connect and active online presence- has appealed to youngsters to instead focus on developmental activities rather than play the moral police.
Sheeba -an art teacher- and her son Jishnu who were returning after watching a performance in the district's Thalikshetram temple were recently attacked while returning home late in the night. Five youngsters were arrested by the police in this regard.
Prashant did not mince words in lambasting such moral policing by youngsters who would otherwise not hesitate to turn a blind eye to the poor and the needy starving right in front of their eyes.
Prashant labels such anti-socials as people who would prefer to look the other way if a thief broke into their neighbour’s premises or even if they saw an accident victim bleed to death in front of their own eyes.
These were the ‘conscientious’ youth who –Prashant says- have taken on the mantle of moral policing in the state.
The collector asserts that it is high time to stop such unnecessary interference in other people’s personal lives and has warned of strict action against such moral goons.