Listening to Malappuram-based couple, Sachin and Bhavya’s love story is bound to replay the emotional scenes from Hollywood movie A Walk to Remember in one’s mind. After five months of friendship and two months of love, 23-year-olds Sachin Kumar and Bhavya got engaged in March, soon after her first chemotherapy. Six months later, the couple got married while she was undergoing treatment.
Sachin met Bhavya, his classmate, a year ago, when they were pursuing a diploma course in accountancy, in Nilambur, Malappuram. They were friends for about five months until they started falling in love with each other. When Bhavya's parents learnt about their relationship, they raised objections and even forbade her from meeting Sachin.
It was only a matter of time that the couple realised that it was not their parents who would pose a challenge to their relationship. “Two months after we fell in love, Bhavya started working in an institute. She used to complain of a stabbing back pain. Though we did not take it seriously, later, in the first week of March, Bhavya was diagnosed with cancer in her spine,” Sachin narrates, adding, “It was heart-breaking!”
With no second thoughts, Sachin decided he would not let the disease be a barrier in their dreams to be together. “I used to accompany her to the hospital for all her check-ups, without the knowledge of her family. My presence in the hospital gave her courage,” Sachin says.
"What I could do at that point of time was to love her unconditionally, be with her and assure her that I will not go anywhere without her,” says Sachin, who decided to get engaged to Bhavya in the third week of March, after her first chemotherapy.
What surprised Sachin was the immense support he received from both their families and friends. “My love was not blind; we were clearly aware of what we were doing,” Sachin says.
Sachin continued to remain with her in the hospital throughout her chemotherapy sessions. Over the last five months, Bhavya has gained weight and lost her thick long hair.
“She was a bit concerned about these changes in the beginning. It was painful for her to see her hair fall. But I was able to convince her about accepting those changes, because, we love through our hearts; our physical looks never matter.”
Bhavya had to spend almost 10 days in the hospital every month. They decided to get married.
On September 6, the couple got married at Nilambur Nadivilakkalam temple. “After seeking permission from my parents, we got married. I thought she will be happy if I am with her always," Sachin said.
Sachin put his ambitions to pursue a postgraduate programme on the back burner and started working as a daily wage construction worker to meet her treatment expenses.
"I was not able to bear her treatment expenses as it is a huge amount. Her family also hails from a financially weak background. Due to the contributions from several individuals, groups and friends, we have been able to continue the treatment. I am clueless how we will continue this in the future, but we will not quit fighting. I want her back," Sachin firmly says.
“I can never forget the support we have been receiving from our friends, both financially and emotionally. I am sure we will overcome these testing times and live peacefully,” he sighs.
He also says that Bhavya underwent a surgery on Monday and that she was doing well after that.
Watch a video story by Asianet News on the couple.