Three school teachers were suspended in connection with the suicide of a Class 7 student in Kerala’s Alappuzha district. Thirteen-year-old Prajith Manoj, a student at the Holy Family Visitation Public School in Kattoor, was found dead at his residence on February 15. He was allegedly beaten by a teacher who accused him of being a ganja addict and mentally harassed by two other teachers.
As per reports, on February 15, Prajith and his friend, who was sick that day, went to drink water and came late to the last period. However, the class teacher reported to the school authorities that they were missing. When they returned to the class, Prajith was allegedly beaten with a stick by teacher Christhu Das and asked whether he was a ganja addict. Two teachers, Reshma and Dolly, mentally harassed the student.
According to Prajith’s classmates, he was traumatised by the incident.
The school authorities, however, denied all the allegations and the headmistress said that he was only instructed to bring his father to school the next day.
On February 19, Prajith’s father Manoj gave a complaint to the Chief Minister, Education Minister, Director General of Police, and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) council demanding action against the teachers. The Mannancherry police had registered a case of unnatural death.
The Child Rights Commission informed the media that the Superintendent of Police has been asked to conduct a detailed investigation. The police have already taken the statements of Prajith’s classmates.
The Child Welfare Committee will take statements from the teachers on Friday, February 23.
If you are aware of anyone facing mental health issues or feeling suicidal, please provide help. Here are some helpline numbers of suicide-prevention organisations that can offer emotional support to individuals and families.
Tamil Nadu
State health department's suicide helpline: 104
Sneha Suicide Prevention Centre - 044-24640050 (listed as the sole suicide prevention helpline in Tamil Nadu)
Andhra Pradesh
Life Suicide Prevention: 78930 78930
Roshni: 9166202000, 9127848584
Sahai (24-hour): 080 65000111, 080 65000222
Maithri: 0484 2540530
Chaithram: 0484 2361161
Both are 24-hour helpline numbers.
State government's suicide prevention (tollfree): 104
Roshni: 040 66202000, 6620200
SEVA: 09441778290, 040 27504682 (between 9 am and 7 pm
Aasara offers support to individuals and families during an emotional crisis, for those dealing with mental health issues and suicidal ideation, and to those undergoing trauma after the suicide of a loved one.
24x7 Helpline: 9820466726
Click here for working helplines across India.