Sharat Kumar Nambiar had booked an Emirates flight, departing Dubai at 9.40 pm on Thursday, to travel to his native in Thiruvananthapuram, along with his mother and grandmother. However, in a twist of fate, Sharat’s mortal remains were carried on the same flight. On another flight from Dubai to Kochi on Friday early morning, the mortal remains of his friend, 19-year-old Rohit Krishnakumar, was repatriated to his native in Idukki district of Kerala. The two young friends had met with a fatal car accident in Dubai in the early hours of December 25.
Sharat and Rohit were residents of Dubai. While Sharat was studying at Boston University in the US, Rohit was a student of the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. The two had flown down to Dubai for vacation. Sharat was dropping Rohit after a reunion party when their car met with an accident. The Dubai police told Gulf News that the driver lost control over the wheel and hit a pavement before it rammed into a tree. The two died on the spot.
Sharat and Rohit received tearful adieu from friends and relatives as their bodies were being embalmed at the Medical Fitness Centre in Muhaisnah, Dubai. Their bodies were repatriated from Dubai International Airport. According to reports, Sharat and Rohit will be cremated on Friday.
Incidentally, a family friend told Gulf News that Sharat and his father were scheduled to visit Sabarimala temple on Friday and that he had observed the customary vow of penance prior to the pilgrimage.
According to the family, Sharat had returned from the US on Tuesday. “He told his mother and grandmother that he had scored good grades and then went out to meet his friends,” a relative told Gulf News.
While the Dubai police believe that Sharat was speeding, his relative suspects that Sharat might have dozed off when driving due to jetlag. The accident took place near the duo’s residence around 3 am on Wednesday.
Naseer Vatanappally, a social worker in Dubai, assisted the two families with the legal formalities for the repatriation. Naseer told TNM that as per their death certificates, Rohit sustained ‘crushing injuries to multiple body regions’, while Sharat's skull and facial bones suffered fractures, which caused their instant death.
The newspaper also reported that the duo’s alma mater, Delhi Private School Dubai, is planning to make a book of memories for Sharat and Rohit, which will be handed over to their families.
While Sharat was doing his course in international relations and business management, Rohit was doing his medicine.
According to Naseer, Sharat's and Rohith's funeral will be held at 4.30 pm and 3 pm, respectively, on Friday.