The Karnataka government has capped the prices of CT scans and X-rays in the state amid rising demand for the same. Karnataka Health Minister Dr K Sudhakar on Friday, May 7, announced that CT scans have been capped at Rs 1,500 and the prices for X-rays have been capped at Rs 250. This move comes amid an increasing number of people seeking these two tests to detect COVID-19 infections in patients.
The minister also said that hospitals and labs that overcharge for the same will face strict action. Government hospitals are providing the service for free, the Health Minister said.
Since CT- Scan or X-Ray is becoming increasingly necessary to detect Covid-19 infection, Government has decided to cap the price of CT-Scan and Digital X-Ray in private hospitals and labs at ₹1,500 and ₹250 respectively.
— Dr Sudhakar K (@mla_sudhakar) May 7, 2021
It is to be noted that experts have cautioned against indiscriminately opting for CT scans. Speaking at the Union Health Ministry’s press briefing on May 3, the AIIMS chief warned against rushing for CT scan in cases of mild COVID-19, saying it has side effects and can end up doing more harm than good. AIIMS Director Dr Randeep Guleria at the press conference said that many people are opting for the test the moment they find out they are positive for COVID-19 and added that misuse of CT scans and biomarkers may cause damage in the long run as it exposes the patient to radiation.
The Karnataka Health Minister also announced on Friday that the allocation for Remdesivir by the Union Government to the state has increased to 2,62,346 from May 10 to May 16. In his tweet, Sudhakar thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers, DV Sadananda Gowda. As per data released by the Union government, Karnataka’s total allocation is 5,75,000 vials of Remdesivir.
Karnataka's allocation of #Remdesivir has been increased to 2,62,346 from May 10th to May 16th. I thank PM Shri @narendramodi ji and Union Minister Shri @DVSadanandGowda ji for their continued support to strengthen state's battle against Covid-19 pandemic.@CMofKarnataka
— Dr Sudhakar K (@mla_sudhakar) May 7, 2021
On April 22, Karnataka had asked the Centre to supply 1,500 metric tonnes of oxygen and one lakh vials of Remdesivir for the month of May. Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa had written to Union Minister for Railways, Commerce and Industries Piyush Goyal. The Karnataka government had also submitted to the Karnataka High Court that currently, Karnataka requires 35,000 vials per day, and if cases rise, it may need up to 44,500 vials per day.