Many leading actors in the Kannada film industry have shown keen interest in making a film on the legendary 18th century king Madakari Nayaka. According to the latest reports, Kiccha Sudeep is eyeing the role and will be bankrolling the project under his home banner. The film will have the star playing the title role and his wife Priya Radhakrishnan will be producing it on a humongous budget of Rs 100 crore, say sources. The film may be helmed by directors Gurudatha Ganiga and Sanchith, who had directed Sudeep’s recent production venture Ambi Ning Vayasaayitho. Sources say that the chief of the Valmiki Foundation, who is keen on making a film on Madakari Nayaka, has been discussing the project with Sudeep for the past few years.
While Sudeep is showing keen interest on the project, we hear that Darshan is planning to star in a film based on Madikara Nayaka as well. This film is likely to be bankrolled by Rockline Venkatesh under his banner and directed by Rajendra Singh Babu.
According to Wikipedia, Ontisalaga Madakari Nayaka or Madakari Nayaka V was the greatest and the last ruler of Chitradurga and belonged to the Nayaka community of the Chitradurga region of Karnataka. Also known as Raja Veera Madakari Nayaka, he was born in the year 1758 and died at the Srirangapatna prison in 1779.
Sudeep is currently expecting the release of The Villain and has Phailwan, Kottigobba 3 and the Telugu biopic Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy needing his attention. Sye Raa, which is a biopic on the legendary freedom fighter Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy, has mega star Chiranjeevi playing the titular role. Directed by Jogi Prem, The Villain is touted to be an action thriller that will have Sudeep sharing screen space with Shiva Rajkumar for the first time.
Darshan on the other hand is looking forward to the release of the historical Kurukshetra and has Yajamana and Inspector Vikram in different stages of production.
(Content provided by Digital Native)