Director Siva is one lucky director in Kollywood as he has got the opportunity to wield the megaphone for three of Ajith’s films within a short span. They collaborated for the first time for Veeram a few years ago and then for Vedhalam and now for Vivegam. Incidentally, for both Vedhalam as well as Vivegam, the young music sensation Anirudh Ravichander is the music composer. While expectant fans are waiting to know about the number of songs in the Vivegam album, reports say there could be five songs and one theme. In Vedhalam, Anirudh had composed four songs apart from a theme.
Vivegam, directed by Siva, stars Ajith in the lead role with Kajal Agarwal and Akshara Haasan sharing the screen space with him. The film also has Thambi Ramaiah, Appukutty, Rajendran, and Karunakaran in the star cast. Bollywood star Vivek Oberoi will be making his debut in the Tamil film industry with this film. He plays the villain in Vivegam and has a very meaty role at that. Touted to be high on action sequences, this film has three stunt choreographers - K. Ganesh Kumar, Silva and Kaloyan Vodenicharov - working on it.
Vetri has cranked the camera for this film and Rubens will be editing it. The dialogues for Vivegam have been penned by Siva with additional inputs from Kabilan Vairamuthu. TG Thyagarajan is bankrolling the magnum opus under his banner Sathya Jyothi Films.
The action thriller is said to be in its last leg of shooting in Bulgaria and the team is planning to have it released in August this year. With news that the album will contain five songs and a theme, Ajith’s fans will be eagerly waiting for its release.
(Content provided by Digital Native)