South Indian actor Malavika Mohanan gave funny and sarcastic replies to those who were trying to poke fun at her during a question and answer session, #AskMalavika, on X. The actor, on Monday, April 29, asked her followers to shoot questions to which she would reply. However, when the questions were related to ‘revealing’ photoshoots, her acting abilities, and marriage, Malavika went all out with her sassy replies.
When one X user with the handle @desiipasta asked ‘epo acting class poringa?’ (when are you going to acting classes?), taking an obvious jibe at her acting skills, Malavika shot back saying, “I’ll go the day you become relevant in some form and then ask me the same question.”
Another user, also taking pot shots at her acting skills, asked when she would “start acting instead of glamour shows”, in a reference to her photoshoots which Malavika shares on social media. The actor replied with “never” and asked if the user would have a problem with that. Another user asked why she always does “glamorous photoshoots” to which the actor replied simply because she likes to.
When a question about marriage was directed at Malavika, the actor simply replied, “Why are you in a hurry to see me married?”
Other questions in the interactive session included how she stays fit, her favourite Telugu actors, and what type of roles she looks forward to doing, among others. Malavika will be seen in the highly anticipated Pa Ranjith film Thangalaan which is slated for release in 2024. Other notable actors in the film include Vikram, Parvathy Thiruvothu, and Pasupathy.