Actor-filmmaker Kamal Haasan has always been considered the heir of Nadigar Thilakam Sivaji Ganesan. However, the 60-year-old star doesn’t quite agree because he believes he’s also the heir of veteran comedian Nagesh, as much he’s of Sivaji. In an interview to The New Indian Express, Haasan said that the acting DNA of these legendary actors is present in him.
“If science can find a way to match ‘acting DNA’, you will find Sivaji’s and Nagesh’s DNA in me. In fact, you will find a lot of T S Balaiyah in Sabash Naidu’s character. So you see, when I speak, it’s always in chorus! It’s not just my voice (read, acting). Hence, any award I receive is taken with all humility because I’ve had good parenting,” Kamal said, when asked on the sidelines of being conferred the Chevalier award by the French government.
Talking about his first reaction after receiving the letter citing the Chevalier honour, Kamal said, “I am receiving it after Sivaji Ganesan and Satyajit Ray. I spoke to a scholar friend and realized that many of them have double honours but don’t really talk about it. Fame has its side effects.”
(Content provided by Digital Native)