Kamal Haasan has been suffering a spate of controversies, misfortunes and tragedies for quite a while now. During the release of Vishwaroopam, the star had to endure a lot of controversies with a faction accusing him of showing Muslims in bad light. Then he suffered a multiple fracture last year after a critical fall, at his office in Chennai. Earlier this year, his sister-in-law passed away leaving a deep void in his family and sadly, a couple of days ago, his eldest brother Chandra Haasan too died. Added to this are the comments he had made about the current political situation in Tamil Nadu and the wrath he incurred from political groups.
Chandra Haasan, who was instrumental in running Kamal’s production house, Raj Kamal International, succumbed to a massive heart attack at his daughter Anu Haasan’s residence in the UK. He stopped by in the UK for a brief visit on his way from the US, where he was with his son. Chandra Haasan was returning to India.
Reacting to the death of his brother, who is more of a father figure to him, Kamal said, “Fate, if that’s what you call it, is certainly giving me a lot attention.” Let’s hope all the misfortunes and tragedies that Kamal has had to endure for the past several months, come to an end.
(Content provided by Digital Native)