Hoping to cash in on the long Vinayagar Chathurthi weekend, the Ajith starrer Vivegam is one of the most awaited films of the year. Hollywood stuntman Serge Crozon, who had worked with Ajith in the film, was full of praises for the star. Revealing that Ajith did not use any body double for even the most challenging and daring stunt sequences, Crozon said that he was awed by his performance and dedication. The stuntman will be seen sharing the screen space with Ajith in a couple of fights in the film. Crozon is well known for his work in films such as The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014), The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015) and Casino Royale (2006).
Vivegam, directed by Siva, stars Kajal Agarwal and Akshara Haasan as the female leads with Vivek Oberoi and Arav Choudhury also included in the star cast. While there were reports that Vivek will be portrayed as a baddie, director Siva had clarified in an interview that it is not so.
Anirudh Ravichander has composed music for this spy thriller that is set predominantly in Europe. The film’s shooting commenced in Slovenia last year and progressed in various parts of Europe.
The technical crew also includes Vetri cranking the camera and Rubens editing it. Vivegam is produced by Sendhil Thyagarajan, Arjun Thyagarajan and TG Thyagarajan under the banner Sathya Jyothi Films. Certified with a UA, the film is gearing up for a massive release on August 24.
(Content by Digital Native)