Last seen on screen playing a blue-collared worker in Velaikkaran, Sivakarthikeyan is on the verge of finishing the shooting for rural comedy Seemaraja, which marks his reunion with Rajini Murugan director Ponram. Siva has signed a new film with director Rajesh, best known films such as SMS and Boss Engira Bhaskaran. Last week, the yet to be titled project was launched in a ceremony in Chennai. Also starring comedian Sathish in a crucial role, the film will be bankrolled by Studio Green and is slated to go on the floors very soon. On Tuesday evening, the makers announced that Nayanthara has been signed as the leading lady. This would be the second time Siva and Nayanthara will be seen sharing screen space after last year's Velaikkaran.
Originally, Siva was to join hands with Thaana Serntha Kootam director Vignesh Shivan for a project for Studio Green. For reasons unknown, Vignesh opted out of the project and the makers were left with no option other than roping in Rajesh as they didn’t want to waste Siva’s dates. Siva had committed to a project with Studio Green over two years ago and the project is finally taking off after a few hiccups initially. Currently being referred as SK 13, the film is slated to go on the floors very soon.