Online furniture player has forayed into the Rs 6,000 crore mattress market in India with the launch of its new in-house brand Clouddio. The launch is in line with Pepperfry’s expansion strategy of its in-house brands portfolio.
Pepperfry expects Clouddio to account for 5-10% of the company’s overall business in the next few months.
Pepperfry’s bedroom furniture range, especially beds, has witnessed great traction amongst consumers and is the highest selling furniture in terms of revenue. Therefore, entering the mattress segment is a natural extension of the company’s existing portfolio, Pepperfry said in a statement.
Clouddio comprises of sub-brands such as - Stratus, Cumulus, Nimbus, Altus and Cirrus. These are made of versatile materials that include foam, coir, bonnell springs and pocket springs and are usable on both sides. Additionally, they are shipped for free and come with a two to eight year warranty against any manufacturing defects.
Commenting on the launch, Hussaine Kesury, Chief Category Officer, Pepperfry said, “Our existent house brands already offer bespoke furniture and home décor products to our customers and contribute to 50% of our overall business. We are looking at the same quality of offerings with Clouddio keeping our customers’ comfort at the fore. I am certain that this brand will further aid Pepperfry’s rapid growth and strengthen engagement with our discerning customers.”
The Indian mattress industry, growing at 9% with only 38% of the market being organised, poses great potential for new players as well as expansion of the organized segment. These statistics coupled with increased consumer focus on investing in the right mattress to avoid health related issues, are driving growth in this category.
Pepperfry already has an array of in-house furniture and décor brands, namely Bohemiana, Mudramark, Amberville, Woodsworth, Casacraft, Primorati and Mollycoddle. With the launch of Clouddio, they are only anticipated to exponentially grow further.