She was left at the altar, but this bride trashed her dress in the most awe-inspiring way
She was left at the altar, but this bride trashed her dress in the most awe-inspiring way

She was left at the altar, but this bride trashed her dress in the most awe-inspiring way

The News Minute| January 4, 2014| 10.00 pm IST"Five days before the wedding the unexpected happened. My fiancé and I sat down and he told me that he was not in love with me, and did not want to marry me, or spend the rest of his life with me. I was in complete shock and had no idea what to think or do. I was numb. The next couple days were a blur of calling guests, canceling services, and figuring out our living arrangements."But, 23-year-old Shelby Swink was not the one to mourn,"A few people brought up the idea of trashing the dress, and at first it sounded crazy," she writes in Offbeat Bride.And then the fun started. The bride, her parents and bridesmaids started trashing the wedding gown with paint! The moment the paint hit my dress… I was free. All the disappointment, all the hurt… I just felt it leave me. I can't even describe how liberating and cathartic the experience was for me. I let go of all the hurt and became myself again... Swink writesThe dress is now on display in a shop in Memphis.All images courtesy of Elizabeth Hoard PhotographyTweet

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