Kerala's Dinkoists are giving a free makeover to the world’s biggest brands
Kerala's Dinkoists are giving a free makeover to the world’s biggest brands

Kerala's Dinkoists are giving a free makeover to the world’s biggest brands

When brands become Dinkoists

Although it was so far only confined to God’s Own Country, Dinkoism –the mock-religious lot in Kerala- is now waging artistic warfare on the logos of multi-million dollar brands in a bid to wipe out all memories of what these brands once stood for.

So, do check out Magra's brilliantly photoshopped and modified brand logos which hail the advent of Lord Dinkan in all his squeaky glory and be eternally converted into believing in a sense of humour.

And for the dummies, let’s spell it out : FYI, this falls into the domain of satire!

 (‘eli’ in Malayalam means rat….there are quite a few rats in this picture.)

Moustle for better food and an even better life.

If Jaguars were born to perform, Dinkuars are here to ace the best.

With FireMouse, your internet browser just got doubly reloaded.

You can now dig into Dinkuin Books to keep up with the latest in fiction. 

You can check out all the brands here- 

And here

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