Kamala Harris named as US Vice-Presidential running mate for Joe Biden

If elected, Kamala would be the first ever woman to be the vice-president of the United States and the first ever Indian-American and African vice-president of the country.
If elected, Kamala would be the first ever woman to be the vice president of the United States and the first ever Indian-American and African vice president of the country.
If elected, Kamala would be the first ever woman to be the vice president of the United States and the first ever Indian-American and African vice president of the country.
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Indian-origin senator Kamala Harris has been named Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's Vice-Presidential running mate. She is the first woman from the Black community to compete on a major party's presidential ticket. Harris, 55, whose father is an African from Jamaica and mother an Indian, is currently the US Senator from California.

Biden, 77, made the announcement in a text message to his supporters on Tuesday afternoon, ending days of suspense about a week ahead of his virtual Democratic National Convention that would formally nominate him as the party's candidate for the November 3 presidential elections.

"Joe Biden here. I've chosen Kamala Harris as my running mate. Together, with you, we're going to beat Trump. Add your name to welcome her to the team," Biden said in the text message. Biden said Harris will be the best partner for him to finally get the country back on track.

"Joe Biden is running to restore the soul of the nation and unite the country to move us forward. Joe knows more about the importance of the Vice Presidency than just about anyone, and he is confident that Kamala Harris will be the best partner for him to finally get the country back on track," the Biden campaign said.

Earlier, the Biden campaign had sent a special chartered plane to bring Harris and her family from California.

President Donald Trump in response to the selection of Kamala expressed his surprise to White House reporters at a news conference. “We'll see how she works out. She did very, very poorly in the primaries as you know. She was expected to do well. She ended up at right around 2%,” said Trump. 

If elected, Kamala would be the first ever woman to be the vice-president of the United States and the first ever Indian-American and African vice president of the country.

A first term Democratic Senator from California, Harris had launched her presidential campaign in January 2019.

After an initial few months, her campaign could not take off and by the end of the year, she withdrew from the race.

Early this year, she endorsed Biden for presidency, though during the primaries and pre-primary season, the two appeared to have a rocky relationship. The two often clashed including the one CNN debate last year, though they appear to have mended their ways in the last few months.

Daughter of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father, Harris has known many firsts. She has been a county district attorney; the district attorney for San Francisco the first woman and first African-American and Indian-origin to be elected to the position.

She was also the first female African-American and Indian-origin to become California's attorney general. Harris became the first Indian-origin and second African-American woman to join the Senate, winning the California seat vacated by Senator Barbara Boxer, who retired after 24 years.

Harris held the first event of her 2020 presidential campaign in Washington on the landmark campus of Howard University, from which Harris earned an undergraduate degree in 1986.

Criminal justice and legal rights were central to her campaign themes.

Justice is on the ballot when we talk about health care justice, reproductive freedoms justice, economic justice, criminal justice, justice in terms of equal pay for women, Harris said on PBS Newshour in October.

Harris has security-focused committee assignments, including the Judiciary Committee, the Intelligence Committee, the Homeland Security and the Governmental Affairs Committee.

She also has a seat on the Budget Committee. As a member of Intelligence, she has taken part in the multi-year investigation of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 US presidential election.

Political pundits say that she would perform much better in the vice presidential debate against Vice President Mike Pence.

She has in the past expressed support for the Clean Power Plan, a federal regulation aimed at reducing carbon pollution from power plants and creating more clean energy jobs.

While she supports broader immigration overhaul legislation, she also contends that the deferred action for immigration enforcement against some immigrants could be substantially expanded even without congressional action.

Harris batted for H-4 work visas which mainly impacted Indian spouses.

During her presidential bid, she advocated for a proposal to direct the Department of Homeland Security to provide retroactive work authorization for immigrants who came to the United States as children often referred to as Dreamers.

Harris was born in Oakland and grew up in Berkeley. After her parents divorced, she spent her high school years living in French-speaking Canada her mother was teaching at McGill University in Montreal.

In 2010, Harris became the first Black woman to be elected as California's Attorney General, overseeing the country's second largest Justice Department, only behind the US Department of Justice.

In this capacity, she managed a USD 735 million budget and oversaw more than 4,800 attorneys and other employees.

As California Attorney General, Kamala fought for families and won a USD20 billion settlement for California homeowners against big banks that were unfairly foreclosing on homes.

Kamala worked to protect Obamacare, helped win marriage equality for all, defended California's landmark climate change law and won a USD 1.1 billion settlement against a for-profit education company that scammed students and veterans. Kamala also prosecuted transnational gangs who drove human trafficking, gun smuggling and drug rings, it said.

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