Here's why we think Jamie Oliver is cool as a cucumber

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Here's why we think Jamie Oliver is cool as a cucumber
Here's why we think Jamie Oliver is cool as a cucumber
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Dr Franklin Apfel

Renowned chef Jamie Oliver was a star attraction at the start of the World Health Assembly (WHA) on Monday as he urged ministers and policy makers to address the twin epidemics of malnutrition and obesity on a war footing. 

Calling for nothing short of a Food Revolution he alerted heads of state and prime ministers around the world including Narendra Modi from failing children if they couldn't ensure good, fresh and nutritious food. An estimated 2.5 billion people in the world struggle with obesity while some 800 million go hungry.  

While Oliver's call has been widely welcomed, public health campaigners fear that companies will hide behind him to market their high on sugar and salt foods. The World Health Organisation (WHO) is currently discussing a resolution which could provide access to private companies to influence health policies. A delegate from Chile held up a box of sugar-coated breakfast cereals to detail the damage. Ministers attending the WHA which is the health body's annual meeting will take a call soon. Read here

We caught up with Oliver and raised these concerns with him. This is what he said. We are relieved. 

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